Picture of two women sitting next to each other in a crowd. One is a white woman and one is Black; both are wearing hats and smiling.

My work sits at the intersections of public health, anthropology, and politics. In both international and domestic contexts, I am particularly concerned with questions of who gets to have a voice in health initiatives, the forms that participation in health can take, and the political impacts of charity.

For the past decade, I have been studying the use of crowdfunding to address health crises in the United States, including the use of crowdfunding amid the COVID-19 pandemic. For Americans experiencing chronic and acute illnesses, fundraising through crowdfunding websites has become a popular method to pay for the extraordinary costs of health care and medication. My book on this topic, Crowded Out, is being published in Spring 2024, by MIT Press. Much of my earlier (and ongoing) research explores the impacts of global health initiatives on diverse communities, and the politics of global health governance.


Cover image of the book, 'Crowded Out'
Cover image of the book, 'Mistreated'
Cover image of the book, 'Case Studies in Corporations and Global Health Governance.'
Cover image of the book, "HIV Scale-up and the politics of global health"

*For more about my books, visit Books

Journal Issues


Book Chapters
