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Photograph of Nora Kenworthy in a sound recording booth. She is wearing headphones and a beige striped scarf, as well as round tortoise shell glasses.

Nora's research has been featured in more than 50 media outlets across nine countries, including CNN, The New York Times, NPR, The Washington Post, Marketplace, The Atlantic, Bloomberg, Financial Times London, Forbes, Mother Jones, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Scientist, ARD Germany, and ABC (Australia). See below for further details. Nora is a member of the Scholars’ Strategy Network and the Women’s Media Center

For press inquiries, please contact Nora directly at njk8 at uw dot edu, or Maria Lamarca Anderson at the UW Bothell News office.

TV / Radio / Podcast Coverage

Op Eds and Public Writing

Print Media Coverage

Mary Lou Retton crowdfunded her medical debt, like many thousands of others. New York Times.

GoFundMe has become a health care utility. KFF.

GoFundMe is a health care utility now. The Atlantic.

24% of Americans have donated to a crowdfunding campaign to help pay for medical bills. Yahoo.

The ‘tragedy’ of American healthcare: Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton’s family is crowdsourcing for her hospital bills. She’s not alone. Market Watch.

Study: Even with insurance, many patients with diabetes turn to GoFundMe to offset high cost of care. Fast Company.

GoFundMe requests for help with medical bills rarely hit their goals: Study. Newsweek.

Crowdfunding for medical costs almost always fails. US News & World Report.

Wie Frauen in den USA ihre Abtreibungen crowdfunden. Der Standard.

Medical crowdfunding is not providing a proper safety net for the neediest patients. Medical Ethics Advisor.

Cómo recolectar más fondos a través de GoFundMe: 90% no llegan a la meta. Univision.

Why so many Americans turn to GoFundMe for healthcare. The Independent.

Most GoFundMe campaigns for medical bills fail, less than 12% reach goals. Forbes.

Americans crowdfunding for medical debt is ’insane’—And inefficient, experts find. Yahoo! Finance.

GoFundMe isn’t a healthcare safety net. American Council on Science and Health.

Crowdfunding a poor safety net for medical expenses. Medscape.

Crowdfunding for medical costs almost always fails. HealthDay.

Medical crowdfunding rarely helps those who need it most. Science News.

Crowdfunding to pay for medical bills rarely works: Study. Raw Story.

GoFundMe campaigns for medical bills almost never work, study finds. Gizmodo.

Crowdfunding for health care isn’t a real safety net. Futurity.

The Inequality of the GoFundMe Economy. The New York Times.

GoFundMe became a social safety net. A new study shows how it couldn’t help everyone. San Francisco Chronicle.

Nearly half of Covid-19 crowdfunding campaigns raised nothing. Quartz.

Struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic, people turn to strangers online for help. Washington Post.

How GoFundMe became an imperfect social safety net for thousands of Americans. San Francisco Chronicle.

The cost of at-home covid-19 tests signals the failed US approach to public health. Quartz.

Struggling to stay afloat during the COVID pandemic, people turn to strangers online for help. The Seattle Times.

Bad idea: Feel-good fables. Kinfolk.

Study: COVID-19 crowdfunding campaigns benefited privileged groups most. Verywell Health.

GoFundMe confronts coronavirus demand. The New York Times.

‘Unprecedented’ number of people turning to GoFundMe as a last resort during pandemic. ‘It’s like you’re putting your heart out there.’ Chicago Tribune.

The hidden cost of medical crowdfunding. Quartz.

GoFundMe, béquille du système de santé américain. Les Echos.

The GoFundMe recession is here. Vice.

To stay afloat in the pandemic, doctors’ offices turn to GoFundMe. Salon.

Crowdfunding a “band-aid” for rising healthcare costs? MedPage Today.

GoFundWho? More equitable ways to crowdfund in a crisis. South Seattle Emerald.

When survival is a popularity contest: The heartbreak of crowdfunding healthcare. The Guardian.

When GoFundMe gets ugly. The Atlantic.

Charity becomes a lifeline even for Americans with health insurance as deductibles soar. Los Angeles Times.

Beware of phony online fundraisers on GoFundMe. AARP.

What to Consider Before Crowdfunding for Medical Care. AARP Magazine.

“A tiny Band-Aid on a gaping wound”: Why crowdfunding can’t fill gaps in U.S. health care. CBC (Canada).

Medical crowdfunding’s dark side. Health Affairs Forefront.

The hidden costs of crowdfunding medical care. ABC News.

Struggling US families turn to crowdfunding to cover childcare costs. The Guardian.

Why are so many Americans crowdfunding their healthcare? Financial Times.

Go Fund Yourself. Mother Jones, January/February 2018.

Enquête. Aux États-Unis, il faut savoir mendier pour être soigné. Courrier international.

Familias estadounidenses se ven obligadas a recurrir al “crowdfunding” para cubrir los gastos de tener hijos. elDiario.

Understanding what makes a successful crowdfunding campaign. The Scientist Magazine.

Crowdfunding appeals may help people but the hidden costs are steep. Health News Review.

Crowdfunding is a symptom of America’s sick health care system. Talk Poverty.

Crowdfunding efforts often fall short in covering medical bills. Everett Herald.

Amerikaner nutzen Crowdfunding für Arztrechnungen. ARD Germany

Even the insured often can’t afford their medical bills. The Atlantic.

America’s health-care crisis is a gold mine for crowdfunding. Bloomberg Business.

Health care costs driving more patients to crowdfunding sites. San Francisco Chronicle.

If the future of health care is crowdfunding, we’re all in trouble. Huffpost.

How medical crowdfunding widens disparities in access to care. Forbes.

Arme kranke Amerikaner müssen im Netz betteln. 20 Minuten.

Crowdfunding für Krankenkosten—Pflaster aber keine Heilung. Deutschlandfunk.

Crowdfunding oder sterben: Crowdfunding oder sterben: So absurd ist das Gesundheitssystem in den USA.

Gesundheit in den USA – Letzte hoffnung crowdfunding. Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Mercy Markets. Real Life Magazine.

The people GoFundMe leaves behind. The Outline.